Is Online Gambling More Addicting?
Whether or not online gambling is more addictive than land-based casino gambling has been a debate since Microgaming founded the first ever online gambling website in the mid-1990s. This is a pretty important topic in terms of the online casino Australia community, because no other country has as many gamblers per capita as Down Under. Here are some of our thoughts, and how you can combat the likelihood of developing a problem.
Is Online More Addicting?
Let’s get this question out of the way first. Yes, online gambling is more addictive, or, at the very least, it’s easier to develop a gambling problem online. There are a few reasons for that. Firstly, the accessibility. You can, at any moment, make a deposit at an online casino and start gambling there instantly, and when it’s in the privacy of home on your computer or mobile device, there is a strong likelihood that no one will notice. If you are constantly going back and forth to a land-based casino, there is a good chance that someone will notice that you’re gone, and that the casino itself will notice that you’ve been there for a while. It is also possible to gamble anonymously with bit coin and other services, so that in and of itself makes it easier to develop a problem, because the only one looking over your shoulder is you.
But Gambling Is Gambling, Right?
Yes. There really is no difference between the thrill of gambling at an online casino and the thrill of gambling at a land-based casino. If the accessibility of the land-based casino were the same as the accessibility of an online casino, which I guess would pretty much require you to live above or next door to a gambling outlet, then there would absolutely be no difference in addiction susceptibility. However, to the vast majority of people, online gambling is far more accessible.
How Do I Avoid a Problem?
Online gambling responsibility will take some self-control on your end, but that’s a lot easier than you may think. A few methods include setting a timer, and when it goes off, not betting anymore. Another way is to set a budget. Once you lose a certain amount, you stop, or once you’ve garnered enough winnings, you stop, whichever comes first. You can also have the casino set a limit for you, wherein they will stop you from playing more once you’ve lost a certain number of bets. This can be a daily limit, a weekly limit, or a monthly limit. If you feel that you cannot handle online casino play, which is by no means shameful or uncommon, you can have the casino ban you from their site temporarily or permanently.. All of the casinos that we recommend practice responsible gaming, which means they will also be more than willing to limit you or ban you from their site.
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